by Billy Lewis
In this article I’ve added my own thoughts to the first part of a sermon series by Pastor Rick Warren entitled “Setbacks – Gods Stepping-Stones to Success.”
Most of you probably remember the play “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat?” Joseph’s brothers were jealous of their fathers’ love for Joseph. So, they threw Joseph into a pit and told their father that Joseph was dead. Then they sold Joseph to slave traders. The story is based on the biblical story of Joseph, Son of Jacob from Genesis Chapters 37-50. God took Joseph from being a prisoner in a pit to being a prince in a palace and made him the 2nd most powerful man in the world at that time. Joseph had 7 crippling setbacks during his life and God used all of them to orchestrate a spectacular comeback that saved 2 major nations. Without Joseph, there would be no Israel and No Egypt today. Everyone loves a good comeback story. But a comeback requires a setback, and we at Gary Memorial UMC have, indeed, had a few setbacks since Covid. And, for some of us, the Devil is whispering in our ear that the solution is to simply fold our tent and go elsewhere hoping against hope that the grass really will be greener there. But we know in our hearts that it really won’t be.
What makes setbacks so difficult to handle is that we only see a small part of the whole picture. We just can’t see everything that God sees. We can’t see all the pieces of the puzzle or how they are all going to fit together. God sees the whole big picture. God can see the end of the story. He knows how it’s all going to work out, so He’s not worried. God uses setbacks to get us back on target toward His goal for us when we head off in the wrong direction. Setbacks are not impediments. They are stepping-stones to light our path, so we go where God wants to take us. God uses both open doors and closed doors to get us to where He wants us to be. Have you ever thought that God wants to use our combined setbacks in ways we’ve never even thought of?
Maybe what’s happening here at GMUMC is God’s way of using all of our combined pain to shape this church in a good way so we can be better able to be sensitive to other people’s pain? We’re in the same situation as Joseph was. While we haven’t been tossed into a pit to die slowly with no water, it may seem that much of our membership has rejected us or simply tossed us aside when services resumed after Covid. Turning their back on us, walking away, and leaving us in a metaphorical pit without adequate resources and with no way out. Now that’s a setback. And it’s painful for all of us who remain. But,
as He did with Joseph, I sincerely believe that God will use this setback as a stepping-stone to give GMUMC a lighted path toward His will. Remember, SETBACKS ARE STEPPING-STONES AND GOD TURNS SETBACKS INTO COMEBACKS as He did with Joseph. We can rest confidently, knowing that our setbacks will NOT be the end of the story. God will make them stepping-stones to light the path to our future greatness and to His glory.
To be successful, we all need to develop an attitude of gratitude. The Bible says we are to rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will be added. The Bible is clear that Jesus wants Gary Memorial UM Church to prosper. Jesus said faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. How can we not be successful? It’s just not possible IF we put our trust in our awesome God. Whatever plans others may have for GMUMC, God’s plan is greater. And we’ve all read the book, so we know God’s plan will win.